Thursday, April 29, 2010

DTD: Version 2

Just an update... The DTD template that you see surrounding this blog was designed and implemented tonight in about an hour... The title of the blog is now in place too. Design the Dragon. Nice ring to it!

Now on to an important matter.

Sleep. We all love it. We all lack it. Why? Three reasons:
1. Just because.
2. Money, and our lust for power.
3. Number 1 again.

I personally don't get enough. I know I don't, and I whine about it alot. This can theoretically be changed by understanding and taking a few minor steps... towards the bed itself.

Yet here I am. It is roughly 12:52am on a 'school' night, and I'm typing about not sleeping. Awesome.

On that note, I'm heading to bed.

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